WT is committed to being a diverse and open organisation. Auditions are open to anyone, regardless of background or experience, and we particularly welcome those who have been traditionally under-represented in theatre.

The Game’s Afoot is a fast-paced comedy mystery with razor sharp dialogue and larger than life characters. It is set in 1936 and centres around William Gillette, the actor/ playwright who made his name playing Sherlock Holmes for many years in the early part of the 20th century.

He invites his actor friends to his mansion near New York for Christmas. There is, of course, a murder and reports of another. Gillette adopts the persona of his hero Holmes as he attempts to track down the culprit. Everyone, naturally, is a suspect. In the midst of the chaos, an English policewomen arrives to investigate. Much hilarity ensues but throughout there is also an intriguing mystery to solve, that keeps the audience guessing right to the twist at the end.

This will undoubtedly be great fun to rehearse and has all the marks of a thoroughly entertaining night for the audience.

There are eight characters, 5 female roles and 3 male roles


William GilletteIdeally should physically resemble the classic image of Sherlock Holmes (40s)
Marta GilletteHis somewhat dotty mother (70s)
Felix GeiselThe actor who plays Moriarty (40s)
Madge GeiselHis wife, also an actress (40s)
Simon BrightAn actor (late 20s/30s)
Aggie WheelerAn actress (late 20s/30s)
Inspector GoringAn English female police detective. Very much a fish out of water amongst these Americans. (any age)
Daria ChaseVery glamorous critic with attitude. Loves herself and hates most actors (40s)

Show Information & Auditions

There will be a read-through at 3pm on Sunday 23 June, with auditions on Wednesday 26 June and Thursday 27 June at 7:45pm, all in the foyer at Wokingham Theatre. Performances from 4 – 14 December 2024.

We will begin rehearsing in the last week of September and will probably be on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with Mondays added in later in the schedule. If you cannot make the audition dates and would like to audition, please get in touch.


Production Manager